Story Stuff/Cao
Here's something i removed from story stuff so people don't assume i'm a furry, which i'm not
I brought my cat into the lab to make it a GEC (genetically engineered cat). Some people's GECs look really cool, but i just wanted the color to change. While they were doing that someone wanted a Scientist to come with them. Because i was a Scientist here i walked over to where the thing was. On one of the lab tables was a person with two [spikes] poking out of their head. One of my friend's friends also has this-and was the person who found this out-so of course i had to investigate. My eyes looked over to the weird substance on top of the [spikes]. It felt like a slightly viscous liquid. I tried everything and couldn't figure out where these [spikes] came from. I called the friend and they said not to touch it, "it'll get into your skin immediately", well i screwed that one up. I asked what the side effects were and they said that this was how the [spikes], how do i put this, reproduce? Let's go with that. I ran out after finding that out. After touching the substance, named Cao, a process named "Caoing" will begin with no found way of stopping it. (editor's note: there still is no way of stopping it) (actual editor's note: i didn't write that, the author did. also i've been changing a word to "spikes", sorry) The process for me took about a month, and only after a week did signs of it happen, my face was changed a little bit and my voice was a little bit higher. To most people, nothing had changed-except for the face but some people wouldn't notice-but to me; try to imagine that. Another week passed with no changes except for two little nubs that grew into the [spikes] within the next two weeks. Also my voice kept getting slightly higher and higher until the [spikes] were 3/4 of a foot tall, which is also when the process stopped. I expected it to be painful but it wasn't. I looked online to find other people with this and there was a surprisingly large amount of people with [spikes] and higher voices who have touch the Cao. The only time you feel pain is if you try to rip them out. They describe it as: "ripping off that much skin" which is basically what's happening when you do that. Also sometimes it comes back. It's a 1/3 chance of the [spikes] coming back. Since like 2 months after the one month process-and 3.5 months since all this started-and like at most a quarter of the world has these [spikes]. It's more like an eighth of the world that has it now; for some reason people like touching other people's [spikes]. I have nothing else to say about this basically pandemic of [spikes], bye!
Caoing: a process where two """spikes""" poke out of your head. It automatically starts when you're in contact with Cao, which is made from the top of the """spikes""". Caoing might affect your face before it pokes out, that's ok. It also affects your vocal cords in ways, this is unrelated with the moving up, it just does that. The further up the """spikes""" are (how far the process is), the more the vocal cords change. All you have to do is touch Cao and the process will begin, it's that weird of a substance. It's not a painful process, unless you try to find someway to stop it, don't do that, just let it happen. Some people actually want this to happen, they're normal. (Yes, these are cat ears. No, i'm not a furry (yet). I thought if this at literally midnight so cut me some slack)
Cao: a substance excreted from the """spikes""" of individuals that have been affected by Caoing. Causes Caoing by just touching it.
How Cao was created: somebody wanted to genetically modify their cat to have bigger ears, but he accidentally did it to himself. He thought his ears would get bigger, nope. Two """spikes""", as he and i will call them, sprouted oozing out the same genetic formula, but very reactive. So reactive the cat also got it by just touching the ooze. It did what he thought it would do, make the cat's ears bigger but not excrete the ooze. He named the substance Cao after... i don't know. It's meant to be a play on the word Cat and Gato (Cato) but more sciency so i guess Cao.
How does Cao change your voice? For most people it makes it more high pitched, sometimes it warps the vocal cords so it feels strange when you talk, or both, or even the rarest one: killing the vocal cords.