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Please don't read this, or do, i don't care

This is just an archive of a couple of things that i wrote

If you do want to read bout' this, you can

But don't (but also please do)

Thanks :)

(Read the notes if you don't understand, or you want to know what the thing looks like)

(Also The Living Suit was inspired by a dream about half-life 1's development that was horribly wrong)

(Also also use the discussion to ask questions about this)

(Also also also read the commit messages/View history notes)

White Tree Labs

The Living Suit Pt. 1

I woke up on the floor of a tram car, i was going to an abandoned lab to explore why it was abandoned. This tram car was the fastest (and the only way without off-roading) to get there. It had taken 4 hours last i checked and now it was probably 8 hours. The stop was soon so i stood up and sat on one of the benches. Half an hour later i was at the stop and was let in. It definitely looked abandoned, just without moss. I walked over to the check in desk, put down my backpack, and found a note about "creatures", huh. I decided to look around the other areas. I walked down the main hallway and came to a crossing i would have gone down the right one because there was rooms that way but there were orange footprints going to the left. There were some checks before i came and they didn't see anything like this. I press a button and the doors opened. There was a room with a central control center; lot's of dials, switches, buttons, sliders, you know; and on top of it was a glass container with something in there. I walked around it, there was a door on the other side that lead to the hallway i was going to go down, then i saw a big button labeled "Press In Case of Meltdown", i pressed it, thinking there wasn't any power going here. The glass broke and the specimen jumped at me, i tried to go backwards but the door had closed locking me in. It wrapped around me, squishing and poking my back, stretching and squeezing, covering my arms, and i could feel everything it was doing in the back and front, then it stopped. It was wrapped tightly around my torso and some tendrils(?) were stuck in my back. My arms and hands were wrapped on one side by white tendrils(?) and i could feel nothing. It was like it wasn't there. In fact i felt better, i had a cut on my knee from something a couple days earlier and it was gone. Weird. I pressed the front door button and walked down the hallway. I could start to feel some weird squishing on my back but i kept continuing. I found the bathroom and looked in the mirror, yup, it was wrapped around me. I realized that i left my backpack in the entrance. I went back to grab it and my camera to see what the back looked like. 8 things were stuck in my back. I explored and saw the research lab, in there was a mess. More orange footprints, goo everywhere, and the furniture strewn about. I followed the footprints to a door. Inside were a whole bunch of clipboards and more footprints leading up to a vent. The clipboards detailed a bunch of stuff. I took the papers off and put them in my back for later. I went in the vent, just to see what was going on, and found myself in a room with frosted glass and buttons. I unfrosted them and took pictures. I kept following the footprints until they lead to a vent that took me right back to the control center. I had everything i needed. But there was still the thing wrapped around me. I tried to pry it off and that didn't work. I tried leaving with it and it didn't let me. The only thing i could do was stay in here, and so i did. I managed to find a wifi signal-although it was bad-and send my colleagues the situation and the images. I realized that i healed every time i got hurt and started sending info about the other creatures. I tested them on me, and documented it. I kept going around the place and i found a locked room, the only one. I had found a key in some room and put it in, it worked. I turned the handle and inside were no lights, a figure in the corner and orange footsteps. I walked over to the figure and saw that it was a person, that looked dead. Around their torso was what looked like the thing that was wearing me. Although it looked different: it had teeth, it had six of the back tendrils(?) and it had no arm protection. I waited what felt like a week, documenting everything, until my colleagues came and somehow pulled it off. It died immediately and so we went to autopsy it. It was very weird. We found out how it protected people, by injecting them with a dark-blue substance. The substance could protect from everything, from radiation to gunshots, it all survived. We also found it was self-sustaining, until it latched on, then it helped its host while helping itself. It couldn't die until it didn't have a source of energy. We found the chemicals that made the substance and won the nobel prize for finding a stable element. We're currently looking into mass-producing this. We've kept coming every so often and the newest time we autopsied the person, he had a different substance that replaced his blood, killing him slowly, and painfully. We also examined the other creatures, specifically dead ones, and found other killing ways. That's it for now.

- Gene, who?

The Living Suit Pt. 2

I was sitting on a bench in a tramcar, it had taken 8 hours to get there. I was on a private investigation to find out what had happened to the science lab in this desert. There was a team of investigators who went by yesterday to check for a public investigation. The tramcar stopped and i exited. I entered the lab and saw how dilapidated it was. My first stop was to the control center. The creature cage was empty and there was a box in the hallway behind it. I opened the box and put the glass box onto the platform. I went to the research lab first to read up on the creatures. I stepped on something and looked down, it looked like a dead one of those things in the glass cage. Then it woke up, and then got up on its legs. These creatures don't do that so i ran into the vent and it was still chasing me. I ended up in the creature lab and it was still chasing me. I didn't even want the info, i just wanted to leave. I ended up back in the control room and, while trying to drop down safely, it attached. I only had 15 minutes, but i had no idea where the antidote was. I looked around and felt worse and worse. I was running out of time. The orange stuff and cleaned off my shoes but when i entered a room i had stepped on another corpse. This angered the thing and a couple minutes later i passed out. I woke up on the floor of a tramcar. I looked at my phone and saw that it was a month later. The public investigators had already passed through here. The tramcar stopped and i realized that i should have died. I stepped out and re-entered the facility. The control room creature was gone and my footsteps had been cleaned. I then realized that they had probably found me. i checked the room and i was not there. I felt a squishing on my back then i realized something, i pulled my shirt up and saw it. They had saved me. I searched the basement and found another box and put it on the control center. I was supposed to do this given that used to be the person who ran this room. I cleaned up the facility... wait. Why was i cleaning this up? I wasn't the person who ran the control center. Who was i? I checked in the mirror and it was still me. I checked the thing again and saw a fake brain "plugged" in. I pulled it off and forgot a bunch of stuff about these things. I put it back in and wrote down everything, then went back to cleaning until it was clean enough, then i pulled it off again. I felt it squish again, then i used the machine to remove it and kill it. I left and took the 8 hour tram ride again. I came back to my area and, of course, got asked a bunch of questions, all of them i answered. I met Gene who told me that, yep, they saved me. That's it for now.

- Mark, no really who?


(The bag tying was inspired by the album cover for "Find Candice" by Venetian Snares) I was driving an hour away to test something new, the Sonic suit. Let me tell you about a couple days ago. I was sent into the building and had to get in a machine. I got it and it closed. 2 arms came down, each with 4 balls on them. They were for making the sonic suit fit me perfectly. They covered me in something weird that the scientists pulled off and i went back home. But they've made one, so i was going there. When i got there i changed into it, it felt weird but it was comfy. I was asked to go home wearing it under my clothes. So i went home. A couple hours later i was sleeping in bed when i heard crackling noises, i opened my eyes and saw that the suit was glowing, and was moving weirdly I went back to sleep before i felt a bag being slipped onto me. They tied it around my neck. I somehow could still breathe. I opened my eyes after this only to find that the bag was completely opaque. I somehow was able to sleep after that and woke up back in the lab. I was in a white room on a mattress. I knew that i was in the lab judging by the dimensions of the room and the door position, this was the room where i changed into the suit. The door was locked and the only other thing was a broken glass box. Then i felt a squish. I lifted my shirt up and saw one of those things. There was a chunk of metal in the middle of it (editor's note: this is how they control them) and i couldn't remove it. The door suddenly opened and i could walk out. The outside was not like it was before, black stuff covered the hallway and the hallway was made of wood. I came to a door and opened it. Instead of the scientists, there were black oily creatures. I also suddenly realized that my Sonic was gone. They looked at me and one walked up to me. They put their arms around my neck and now i was in the back of a van with one of the scientists untying the thing. Apparently things called "Voiders" had somehow detected that i was wearing a Sonic and had stolen me for testing one of those things, then they found me in this bag. Also the Sonic had worked and they just changed the frequency, but someone stole the old frequency and blueprints. For some reason a Voider turned themselves into one of the scientists and stole them. So now they can steal people based on other stuff. All you need to do is have a Sonic on and in the right place it'll change its frequency. Anyways its now on store shelves and you can go buy one, i'm bored.

Embedded Waruit

I woke up on the floor of my college after studying. I left after looking to see if anyone was around. I went to my dorm and passed out on the bed. I had to wake up at 2:00 am for something so i got up at 1:00 something. I had to go fix something at the local lab, at 2:00 am, because they needed to use something for the science fair tomorrow. I drove to the lab, very tired, and fixed it. I almost left the lab until i saw that the basement door was open. I hadn't seen it open before and so i entered. It was very dark without a light switch. I was walking around blind until i found a mattress down there, and so i slept for some reason. I awoke in a bed, same mattress, but actually on a bed. I got up and walked around, something felt off though. I felt like i was in a dream, but i could feel pain so no. Actually i almost couldn't feel pain, it was like something was blocking it. I also kept feeling squishing on my back, but i couldn't find where it was coming from. The door out of the bedroom i was in was locked and there weren't any windows. The squishing kept getting faster and my vision was starting to blur. My chest was also starting to glow, i pulled up my shirt and saw a weird fleshy thing embedded in my chest. I passed out shortly after. I woke up in a factory, instantly checked to see if i still had it and i did, but there was someone who said that they could remove it. Little did i know he didn't. He also showed me something, spikes. I was supposed to get on a conveyor belt and lay down and i wouldn't get hurt. So i did-trusting this random person-and what do you know, it did. But when i went to check there were no holes except in my clothes, huh. But then something jumped at me and started squeezing me very hard. It was like i was going to die, then it stopped. I somehow slept on the conveyor belt and woke up in a forest at night. There was eyes farther in the forest and so-even though i was completely scared-went over to them. I didn't know how i wasn't scared about eye in the middle of a forest at night, but was about being in a forest at night. In fact, i don't even think i was walking over be myself, it was like i was on autopilot. They held out a light to show nothing but liquid black then i walked into them. It was weird, like something was happening in there but i couldn't see or feel it. Then i opened my eyes, i was a lot taller and made out of the same liquid, i had become it. After a little bit the thing that was on my chest spoke to me and was making me close my eyes. "Become one with the void" it said. After a little bit it blinked and i was now in a black liquid area with a door. I opened it up and everywhere was black liquid trails and these beings. I couldn't take it anymore i reached into my body and tried to find the thing but, i had become the being. Now how did i end up back as a human, i just asked. I woke up in a lab where the people got it off by using a crowbar and needles. They found out that some of the people running the lab were the "Voiders" and they had tried to indoctrinate me. Unfortunately for them, most of them hate these people. That's all i have to write


So i was working at White Tree Labs when i had to go into the freezer. I applied my Livuit and started fixing the AC in there. For some reason my Livuit didn't want to enter the freezer and when i forced it to it slipped off my body and started walking back. This made me more aware of things in there, but not aware enough for what was to come. I had followed the cooling lines to another one of our freezers where there was a broken pipe. On top of the pipe was something i hadn't seen before jumping at me. I went backwards but it swung off of a rope attached to the ceiling. It gripped to my face and started squeezing, squishing, and everything before it stopped. I couldn't see anything and, even though i couldn't feel anything of my mouth, my speech was muffled. Then i started to see again. You know when paper burns, that's basically what happened from the middle of my vision to the edges. I looked up a d saw a white wire that followed me from the, i guess, conduit. When i got too far away it just disappeared. I could also climb it and swing off of it, it was fun. I fixed the pipe and asked my supervisor what the heck was on my face, by writing down my question of course, but i didn't get an answer. I then realized, how would i eat. Then i felt something wet and weird go into my mouth, it tasted like nothing; i guess this is how i ate from now on. I somehow lived like this, for a month. Installing conduits so i could swing, figuring out how to drink-turns out you don't, and also trying to get it off my face. I also learned how it got up there, it broke its cage and crawled through the vents before getting on top of one of them and sleeping before i woke him up by entering. I hadn't seen this thing before so i went to find another one, as well as a way to get it off. I turned on the portal and stepped inside. I hadn't gone in the portal before and so i was weirded out by how much the portal felt like liquid. I grabbed out my pocket computer and opened the map. I followed it, looking for these things, until i found them in the "sun room". It was the brightest area, and the quietest one. I also found a dead person with one of these on their head, with blood. I tried to pull it off but it stayed on, even if it was probably dead. I guess it was stuck on my head. Also i began to feel a bit light headed. A couple hours later i passed out. I woke up with a Waruit stuck on me as well as no trace of the thing. We decided to call it a Crultae. If you want to get it off, grab a crowbar.


I don't really have an introduction for this one. This just randomly happened. I was sleeping in the middle of the night, when i felt something going up my shirt. I immediately woke up then it grabbed me. It squeezed me so tight I passed out. When i woke up i was on a metal floor, i got up and walked around, i was on a tram going to some place. The thing was gone and the tram stopped. I walked out and into the place. It was an abandoned lab. I walked through the hall and ended up at a crossroads with an arrow drawn on the floor. It was pointing to the left with a door that was closed. I pushed the button right next to it and inside was a control room kinda thing. The entire place looked deserted except for this one room. I pushed the only labeled button on the other side which broke the glass above it and a creature jumped at me. It, squeezed me, squashed me, squished me, wrapped around me tight it was on my arms and torso. It stopped doing it and i looked at it. It was fleshy and weird. It was making a squishing noise on my back. I walked out of the room and walked around with it under my shirt, and wondered what the heck was this place. There were more creatures in this place. Suddenly the thing went INTO my body and started rubbing inside my back. I guess i was supposed to test these. Most of them were weird and needed the emergency crowbar to get off. One of them looked like the thing that went up my shirt in the night, so i did that one last. After doing the rest i broke the box open and it jumped at me. It squeezed me even tighter than before, i came to in my bed with a glass box near it. The thing wasn't in my body anymore based on how i couldn't feel it anymore, and it wasn't rubbing. I opened it up and another one of them jumped out at me in the middle of the night. I went to sleep somehow knowing that it would protect me forever. (The reason why this is so short was because i kept changing it to be better. The original one was that the person was dunked into a radioactive barrel and was dumped into a pit by someone working at the lab, yeahhhhh...)


I woke up in the middle of the night to a knock at my door. I opened it and saw a door-to-door "salesman" who just shoved a package in my arms and closed the door before i could ask any questions. I opened the box and on the top of a frosted glass box was a note to NOT break it and to LEAVE it in my room. So i did that. I went back to sleep before i felt something go into my sleeping shirt. It squeezed me a little bit, then went to sleep. It felt weird, then i fell asleep again. The sound of someone talking woke me up. "Hey." I opened my eyes and looked around, even though it sounded close to me there was nobody around. I heard the same voice speak. "Look down." It still sounded close, like someone was talking in my ear. "Stop worrying, no one's in the room." It was like I was going insane, then i felt a squish on my back. I remembered the thing that went up my shirt. "Yes, me." I knew that this thing was somehow talking to me. I said "who are you", it didn't respond. I said it louder, it didn't respond. I thought about a way to say it to it, and it spoke "your, i guess, new friend." I guess i have to think to talk to it. "Do you have a name?" It responded "The one the people gave me? Novera, i guess." I thought "Whose they?" It responded "The people that captured me." I kept pressing answers out of it until i got a clear picture: people found him, and other ones, in a different dimension. The "people" gave them the species name "Novera" and later on the people's corporation disintegrated and random agents from the company started sending these things to random people like me. It kept doing something like squishing on my back and talking to me about some stuff. I also talked it into giving me the name of the company: "White Tree Labs". I looked them up online and they were an abandoned lab that was examined recently, and these creatures have been sent to random people by whoever keeps paying the rent. I started using Novera as a buddy, and there's not much else to say, except for me finding out the location and visiting there. I took to off roading because no one seems to do that, and arrived in about 6 hours. Did have to take a short tram ride to get into there, but it was shorter than the tram. The building was absolutely filthy in there, but i was there for one reason: follow in Gene's footsteps. I almost immediately went to the control center and saw the glass box Mark, had put up there. I skipped it and went for the different labs/rooms. I found the original portal room and saw that the power was still going to this room. It didn't have fuel but the basement entrance was nearby and i was able to redo that. I turned it on and entered the portal just to see what it felt like. It felt like walking through a water stream and a piece of fabric at the same time. I thought about letting Novera go, but i decided to keep them. I messaged Gene and Mark about this and soon we're gonna enter the portal. I'm so excited.

-Sam, seriously who are these people?


I woke up in the middle of the night to a clicking noise. In front of me was something green and glowing. It stopped glowing and jumped off my bed. I turned on my light to see something fleshy go under my door. I ran to chase it but it somehow had disappeared. I went back to my room and saw someone standing there. I tried to open my door again to call the police but it had locked even though it wasn't. The person walked up to me and handed me a box. Inside the box was a white full body suit. When i tried to ask them they had somehow left. I did hear something like splashing earlier while investigating the suit, but i hadn't checked to see what it was. Also inside the box were instructions on how to wear it. I had to put it on under my clothes, and not think about it. Also not to touch other parts to the suit to it or else something would happen. I did that for some reason and went to sleep. I woke up the next day and decided to do what it told me not to do. That part of me somehow turned invisible and started spreading. I, for some reason, thought this was cool and wanted to speed it up. I read the instructions again and it told me NOT to think about it if it was happening or else it would go faster. I was basically invisible by that point. I also read that to stop it from happening had to touch my forehead and neck at the same time. I did that and my entire body came back to visibility. I went about my day, feeling a bit weird because of the texture, but it was ok. When i went back home i tried some things out. I tried to see how effective the invisibility was, it was very effective. I couldn't see my body at all. I tested how it worked: anything it touched turned invisible. That means that ANYTHING turned invisible, that means i could steal anything. I went back to sleep forgetting to take it off. I remembered in the middle of the night, but it wouldn't get off. It was like it was molded to my body. I tried to cut it but whatever rubber they used was too thick and hard, i could cut it a little bit, but not enough. I went back to sleep before hearing clicking again. I opened my eyes and there was another one of those things. I didn't even try to chase it. I then felt weird tendrils go near where i cut it and while trying to-i guess-fix it, it felt me. It was weird and where it touched left a weird liquid feeling. After they left, i could feel the liquid feeling climb up my body. I tried to use my left hand, the one that had cut a little bit of the suit on, but i couldn't feel it. When I lifted up my covers my skin looked metallic, and was melting off. I tried to stop it by touching two parts together, but it was too late. I could still see when it all melted off, but i was just a white rubber suit walking around. Then i fell to the ground and woke up at a lab. Turns out they didn't know that other people were using "Scouts" to kill people, only if someone cuts their "Supersonic". When i came to there was another fleshy thing wrapped around my chest. A scientist came around to me and helped me get out of their hospital beds. They brought me to a station where the creature that was on my chest was taken off. I took one of their cars back to my place and i slept. I was woken up by another one of the "Scout"s and another box. Inside was a "sorry" note and another suit. The suit molds around you so it stays on, but now it doesn't to combat the other people. That was my story, bye.


I woke up in a black like void thing. I couldn't move and it was like liquid. Then something walked towards me. It looked like a dog but not at the same time. I awoke in a cold sweat. This dream had been occurring a lot recently and i had no clue why. I also had no clue why i woke up in a cold sweat, it wasn't that scary. I couldn't find my eye mask so i had to find it. While trying to find it i noticed a frosted glass box in the corner of my room. I didn't care about it at the time, even though a giant glass box was now in my room, and so i went back to sleep. I woke up in a black like void thing. I couldn't move and it was like liquid. I was ready for round 2 of this when the dog got replaced by something else. It was a weird 10 legged creature. I also noticed that i could move again, but not backwards, or to the sides. I walked up to it and it climbed onto my back, i was frozen again. Then i felt a prick on the back of my neck followed by pain. I woke up, this time not in a cold sweat. What the heck was that. I also heard something: "hey buddy, can you stop pressing me into your bed." The thing was still on me, even though i wasn't dreaming. It was also 5:00 and i had to hike with the pals at 7:00. Through out the 2 hours before the big hike i had to cope with the fact that this creature was on me. I could remove them, but they would always come back. Also they had a green hand like thing that they could annoy me with. I stuffed it in my backpack and went hiking. It wanted me to leave a little opening so it could get air, but i knew this was for getting my attention. I could only communicate with it by thinking, and did you know that thinking of something and talking about something else is difficult if not impossible. I had to become the quiet one of the group. We went up our usual hill when i felt someone touch me on the neck. "Ugh, fine" i said before talking to some of the other hikers if they could wait. I went down an offshoot path and a little bit into the woods before taking my backpack off and letting it out. I lifted up my shirt so it could have an easier time getting on. It jumped on my back and squeezed its little legs or something on my chest. I hated when it did this, but that's life. The only reason why i was doing this p, was because if i didn't the pain in my neck would happen again. I put back on my backpack and went back ti the main trail. "I hate you" i thought, "me too" it said. I didn't even know what to call it, but it called itself a stupid name so i had to choose something. Apparently this thing is an amalgamation of other creatures at White Tree Labs called the Spelk, so that's what i named it. It didn't like that name, but eventually mellowed out through out the day. I put it back in its glass box, which was now broken, and went to sleep. I added them onto the White Tree Wiki, a sentence no one had said before, and also wrote about my experiences with it. This was kinda fun honestly. Spelk and i hated each other at the start, but now we're kind of friends at this point. Bye. (Can i just say something. Apple Notes, which is what i'm using to write this in, tends to recommend parts of the story i've already wrote and don't back sense in the context, as auto-complete statements. It's kinda annoying but hey, what can you do except not use them)

Living in the Other Side

So one day i hears some weird sounds coming from my basement. It sounded like fizzling and splashing at the same time. It was also very faint. I had nothing better to do that day so i entered my basement. My basement is usually dark, except for the hallway near my storage room because i usually forget to turn the lights off. This time i did remember, but the sound was coming from the main part of my basement. There was a floating circle of light down there and two people bickering quietly about what to give me. This had been going on for about 30 minutes before i found them. They looked at me, then told me to follow them. They stepped through the disc and so i did to. It was a weird feeling stepping through it but i didn't mind. The place it took me to looked deserted, this was apparently the desert part of this place. They told me that they randomly found this portal and turned it on. I had been doing something down there a little bit ago, but nothing that could make a portal appear. That means that someone had used a portal in around the same spot that i had fixed an old computer. We walked around, seeing what this new world had to offer, but when we got back to the portal we could see someone turning it off and destroying it. We questioned him what he was doing and he said that someone, or something, had used this portal to spy on me. I guess i was stuck here until they figure out how to get me back. They called this place the other side and they wanted to see how someone could live here. So i did. I did get some info on the creatures here, but all i had to do was get away from anything that didn't look like what they called a Mondrode and get away from anything with 6 or 12 legs. Sounded easy enough. The Mondrode species were usually friendly and helped people in weird ways. They also gave me a crowbar for fighting and getting them off. Living there was tough, there wasn't much food and the water was weird, but i did it. Here's some tips: creature dens usually have excess food in them; the water looks unhealthy, but it usually isn't; finally, don't get any creatures attached to you, they will help you but the you'll need the crowbar to get out of their dens or out of the area. Anyways, i had adopted one of the roaming species: a Waruit/Warut and when the time came to go back, they had given me a special frosted glass box. I just had to touch it to let it out, and put it back in like the box wasn't even there. These creatures will save you from anything. The one that i found was a Warut which is meant for this purpose. I got hired by the company/lab/owners to distribute these creatures to other people, like spreading around love. I actually sold my house and i'm living in the area. I have inhabited an abandoned den and my Warut brings stuff in every day for us. It's a living. I also got power and internet working in here so i can share this to everyone. I'm currently reading Discharge and the S. S. Cube logs because i find them interesting. I love fiction stories. Anyways, that's it for now.

Fitness Course

I was hiking on my nearby hill when i saw something in the distance. It looked like a creature i've never seen before attach itself to someone torso before they continued down the path. I made note of that, before continuing to hike. A couple minutes later a car pulled up next to me and took me into the car. I woke up on a yellow structure. I was wearing a white jumpsuit and black plastic socks. Underneath my jump suit was a fleshy lump that was wrapped around my back. I heard a voice in my head: "Welcome to the Fitness Course, i am the thing on your torso and i'll tell you about this." The thing told me about the stuff i was wearing "The jumpsuit, if you hit anything yellow with force, you will be teleported back here. The shoes allow you to walk on anything yellow." I tested out the jumpsuit by jumping off the structure i was on. The entire place was yellow and i had woken up on a tall part with wall surrounding me except for a drop where one of the walls wasn't. I landed and felt a ripple across my skin as I opened my eyes back on the platform. "Remember, ANYTHING yellow you can walk on." I realized that i could probably walk on walls. I walked over to the wall on the right of the gap and put my right foot on it, then my left. Gravity seemed like it changed but i could walk on the walls. I stepped on the wall the drop was perpendicular to and walked down. When i stepped on the ground i heard "Start Running or else you're not gonna get out of here", so i started running. There seemed to be a ball of gravity in the next room that i could use to launch myself up a chute on the other side of the room in the ceiling. I landed on the wall that i used to run, skipping the next gravity ball and jumping into the chute on the ground. My skin rippled and i was back on the yellow platform. The next time i got to that room i landed on the wall of the chute with my feet, sticking the landing, and then continued on. It continued like this, sometimes reaching checkpoints that i would go back to. I also seemed to not tire out somehow, i had never done this much running in my life, and yet i was completely fine. I landed on the wall of another chute and walked down to a hallway that changed to a metal floor. The place this took me looked deserted. There was a set of stairs with railings and so i walked up them. A gravity ball shot me up out of the room. I was standing on carpet in a fancy looking room. When i looked behind me i saw a yellow thing on a glass table with a metal cap on the end. I had been shrunk down and put in that thing. The thing that was in my jumpsuit said "Go sleep it off" and i noticed that there was a bed in here. I slept and woke up the next day in my bed room. There was also a note on my bookshelves saying basically: "we're sorry that we did that. Also you can't have the clothes because we had to make them unwearable cause they fit you perfectly. If you want to feel the ripple again then press the button attached to here. If you want to do it again, go back to that path and hit the button." I pressed the button and i rippled. I decided to do the course again. Instead of going to yellow land i was instead in a room with a metal chute. There wasn't a ladder and i felt someone push me in. I felt the suit be put in me, then shrink somehow, then the shoes were built on my feet, then i felt the ripple again before dropping from the chute onto yellow and feeling the ripple again because i fell with force. I'm guessing the 1st ripple shrunk me down and the 2nd one was just because of the suit. I don't even know why i did it again. My only question is: How could i feel the ripple without going anywhere? Like when i pressed it in my room. I don't know but i do know that the course is actually kinda fun ngl. Bye.


1984 - White Tree Labs was started by two people

1992 - They started drilling for the core (also when SAW 85-92 happened)

1994 - They found the core and started mining it (also SAW Vol. 2)

1996 - They created portals to the other side (also when RDJA was released)

1997 - They moved to the desert to avoid suspicion (also when CTD was made)

1998 - They started trapping them in their company

1999 - The company started dying (also when Windowlicker was released)

2000 - They filed for bankruptcy even though they weren't

2001 - Something happened and the facility had to be evacuated (also DruQks)

2022 - The lab tram was found

2023 - the first checks were made so Gene could go there (also Blackbox Life Recorder 21f)

2024 - Mark and Gene went to the lab (also when SAW Vol. 2 Expanded was released)

Blue Orbs

New Person

I woke up after a whole day of working overtime. It was the third night in a row i had to work overtime. But after waking up, something felt different. It could have been that now i was wearing a grey sweater and jeans (you can probably figure out how i got this idea) instead of my usual nighttime attire. But there was something more off than that. I went to the bathroom to go do my usual morning stuff when i noticed something: my face was different. My eyes were green instead of blue, my nose was a little more slender, and my hair was longer. I was a completely different human being. I tried to take off my sweater because it was hot outside, but it wouldn't come off. Also, lining the inside of the sweater was cheap plastic with some kinda ooze inside. My jeans also didn't come off and were like glued into my legs. I could at least remove my socks. I also noticed while all of this was going on that i couldn't speak, not like i was gagged, although i could have been, but it more felt like my vocal cords were gone. I tried to open the door but my hand went through it, weirdest thing about this was that only my left hand instantly went through, my right hand could hold it for about a second before the handle became intangible. I couldn't turn the handle if you were wondering. In fact, some other things were also intangible: my phone, the house phone, my emergency window breaker, the window crank, etc. I couldn't escape the house (unlike the Navidsons, but like Johnny Truant. if you know, you know) and it was a Thursday. Although, even though i said that my phone was intangible, only when i opened the phone call and settings apps. I could check the cold weather even though i lived in a desert, i could check the location in minnesota even though i lived in Arizona. Even though i was in the same house, i was at a completely different geographical location. The only "smart" thing i had that i could actually touch was my laptop. I didn't have wifi even though i didn't change the password, i couldn't use my phones 5G because the settings app was intangible, and... wait i forgot i could use my phone's web browser. So i rushed over to where my phone was and looked on the internet. Most of my favorite websites didn't exist over here in parallel dimension Minnesota, and the ones that did were stuck in the same predicament as me. Wearing a gray sweater and jeans, you couldn't take them off, sweater ooze and jean glue, stuff being intangible, a story of someone escaping this place, vocal cords being chopped, their phone being the only web browser they could use... wait what was that one: a story of someone escaping this place. I followed their steps and found a way to exit my house and now i was outside. All i had to do was stop a car and drive in a straight line. There was a car every exactly 42 seconds, and it did take a while before i was able to stop a car and hijack it. But now all i had to do was pedal to the metal. The further i got the weirder it got until the world just ended. I jumped down and saw a couple seconds later that there was land down there. I also realized my mistake, jumping from this high will buckle my knees. Well, you only live once*. The reason why there's an asterisk there is because i woke up back in my bed when i hit the floor. I spit out a blue orb type thing upon waking up. Somehow that orb could make me feel that cheap plastic stuff, intangibility, and driving a car. I shoved it back in and started dreaming about something else because it was the weekend. I'm guessing the orb made me think it was Thursday. Every night i keep the orb on my bedside table ready for more wild dreams. If you want to experience this, you can't because i don't know who makes them. Bye :)

Title Undetermined

I woke up, i knew this was a dream judging by the fact that i wasn't in my house. See, i've been taking this "Blue Orb" thing to make my dreams more ""realistic"". This one was the weirdest one yet. I had ""woken"" up in a pool of water. My skin was made out of the same cheap plastic and ooze material. I swam up to see the pool safety signs. These blue orb dreams make you feel like you have dyslexia, except for some text. The only text i could read on this sign was: "if you pinch your sides you can exit the place". So i pinched and woke up in my bed spitting it out. I shoved it back in and woke up back at the bottom of the pool. I got out and walked around, there was something off about this place. Usually, these didn't feel dream like but this one did somehow. It felt like i was floating above the ground a little bit. I continued walking around the pool and found another giant pool. This one had something at the bottom, something like metal. It was a metallic disc that was rusted to heck, but read: "this isn't a blue dream, it's a lucid dream". I woke up shortly after reading that. I shoved it back into my mouth and went to sleep again hoping it was different. I """"woke"""" up on the floor of what looked like a lab. I was wearing the same outfit that i was in the first blue dream. I walked around before noticing a room with my name on it. I walked inside and the door closed behind me, locking me in. There were two things on opposite walls, one open, the other closed. I went into the open one to see what it was and then the glass door to the device closed and water started to fill it. The ooze inside the sweatshirt started to fill the space making me feel tight. With the ooze tightening, my bones were also tightening (another lego game thing i stole, sorry kasper). I noticed in the other one something was being created. After a couple minutes of bone-crushing (get it) pain, the water subsided. Somehow this little squishy blue marble can change what you see, feel, hear, and also can create pain. The doors opened and i walk out to see myself also walking out. The machine had cloned me. Well, clone isn't the right word because it was copying my movements perfectly. There was a sign that said that the clone would eventually detach from me, and is also invincible. I didn't want to deal with a clone so i pinched my sides, nothing. I squeezed harder, nothing. Somehow this dream had made it so i couldn't leave it. I could already tell the clone had started to detach by how the movements were a little delayed and a little off. I walked out and it bumped into a wall. There were more rooms, most of them locked. There was another one on the other side of the hallway with my name on it. I walked in, and so did the clone somehow, and i was greeted by a giant machine that would first: kill me, and second: upload my consciousness to the internet. I knew that this was a dream by the outfit so i did it. I could feel it crush my head and i woke up back in my room, but something was different. I didn't spit out the orb and i was wearing the same clothes. I also couldn't feel pain. I walked out of my room and instantly fell on the floor causing me to wake up for real. I could tell by how i actually spit out the orb this time. There was also a piece of paper in my handwriting saying that: "The dream was hijacked mid way through causing the clone to drift off of you, we had to stop it manually by making you trip", who's we? I also saw that the clothes that were in the dreams were on my side table. The sweater didn't have the ooze and the jeans were just normal, but it did look like the dream ones. That's all i have for now. (I wrote like 3/4 of this on a plane to Denver (11/29/24), the part after "sorry kasper" was written on the plane, also sorry kasper for copying the clothes of the RMs and your bone tightening, at least i credited you :])

Actual New Person

(Inspired by the Sega Saturn game Nights into Dreams)(also this is a different person from the Cheap Plastic Grey Sweater person) I woke up in the forest with no idea how i got there. I was wearing a thick white shirt and jeans, i don't have a white shirt, especially one this thick. I was walking around and noticed that this forest was on an island in the middle of a bowl of mountains with water in it, like a water volcano except it doesn't explode. There was a hill on the island with something on top. It was a circle with squares on the """corners""" of the circle, and floating above the circle was a coat like thing. It was very tall, like a trench coat but somehow even bigger, but in height. I don't know why but i walked over to it. The coat somehow opened wider when i stepped onto the circle, it was already open, before squeezing me when i went into it. I opened by eyes after a little bit and saw that the coat wasn't made out of fabric, only the inside. It was like a living creature (before you get your hopes up, it isn't). I tried to pull it off but it was like the seam didn't exist. I had basically become the thing. Walking around wasn't as weird as i thought it would be-mostly because it was wrapped around my legs instead of basically tying them together-and i floated on the water in the mountain bowl, and could move on the water quite fast i might say. When i got to the mountains i could see an inscription that said that i could fly somehow. I went to the top of a mountain and jumped and tried to walk in the air. I was standing on air, the way to stop was by putting my legs together. I accidentally did that and found i couldn't die from falling. I went back up the mountain and jumped to walk on air again. I walked and found the end of this little sky island i was on. There was a species living here that all somehow knew me. They called me "The Organic One", or Organic for short. Weird name, but I sort of like it. Someone was trying to kill The Organic One for a while, so when i got kidnapped i didn't freak out that much. But then my vision began to blur and then i woke up back in my bed while spitting out a squishy blue ball. On my dresser was a long black fabric thing, i knew what it was. I put it on and found that the seam didn't disappear, nor could i walk on air, but it did wrap around me. I've been sleeping with the so called "Blue Orb" for about a week now and my dreams are now enjoyable. If you randomly get a Blue Orb, keep it forever if you want better dreams :)

Plane Film

I woke up on a spongy floor. I got up and noticed that the floor didn't exist and i was basically standing in the air. I was wearing an oversized green sweater and had a dead-skin-cell-like film on my skin. I could peel it off, but when i did peel off a little bit the skin underneath would start warping. I could feel it clinging to me. I also had no jeans even though i only had jeans. I was walking around until a plane pulled up next to me and took me in. The plane was dark and had a ton of cables strewn about. I tried to find a light switch in this mess and i eventually found it, but when i turned it on i found that i was in a completely different area. I peeled off the film because the clinging was getting too annoying, and as i expected my skin started warping and was loose. The area only had one cable plugged into the wall and a mirror floor. There was also a small black box in the same corner as the outlet that i'll get to shortly. There was a note next to the outlet saying that i should plug it into my head. I did that for some reason and my skin instantly stopped warping. Also on the note was something about my chest being flexible and that i should shove the black box in there. I grabbed the box and pushed it far into my chest. The reason why was because also on the note was something about people trying to steal this box and i was the only one capable of protecting it. After unplugging the cable and noticing another film was on my skin I opened the only door in the room and fell out of the plane, this time from a different side. I landed without any pain somehow and noticed people running for me, i guess they detected that i had the box. I ran but they were gaining on me. They pushed me to the ground and cut open my chest exposing weird black tendrils inside. They somehow didn't look confused and continued cutting until they found the box and stole it. They ran away without stitching my chest back together. I got up and poked and prodded the tendrils. They seemed to grab anything they come near as a protection. I continued doing it while finding another person which was probably another victim of them, it was like everyone's organs here were instead these black tendrils, and also they probably had checkers that had a bad range and effectiveness. I continued to poke them until eventually i went too far and in a world of pain woke up in my room spitting out a blue marble type thing. I threw it away after learning it was basically brain drugs that affected your dreams. If that's your kinda thing, go for it i guess. Don't do drugs kids :)

The Squeezers

(Inspired by that VSnares cover and the gunships from HL2) I woke up in the middle of the night. Everything was dark even though i had been sleeping for a while. I tried looking for my light switch but it wasn't there, it was weirdly in a different spot, and also didn't work. I had to go to the breaker box. I also noticed that i was wearing a long sleeve shirt that felt like it had some kinda goop all over it, and jeans. None of the clothes i had on were the clothes i went to sleep with. While walking down to the breaker box i felt something grip my neck and hold me in place, squeezing it. I was running out of air, fast. I tried to pull the grips out but it was already too late, or so i thought. I couldn't breathe but i was somehow still living. It felt as terrible as you might think. Eventually it was disconnected from the wall so i could move around, even though i didn't want to. I walked into a wall instead of where the door to the garage was, i don't think i was in my house. The constant choking and that fact i was basically in a house that wasn't mine made for the worst experience. I couldn't go back to sleep because the door to "my" bedroom had disappeared somehow and it was the only bedroom as far as i could tell. Eventually the throat squeezer got to me and i passed out. I woke back up in the house, this time with the choker removed and i could see a little bit, and saw that my shirt was in fact covered in a weird slime. I found the front door and stumbled out. The outside was weird and, how do i put this, stringy? Everything was made out of a string like material that also had the goop on it. I don't even know how to describe it, it was all very weird. I grabbed one of the string and pulled/snapped it off. On the outside it looked like a sturdy material-ish, but on the inside it was moving and squirming (writer's note: yes i know they're synonyms, but i don't know what other words i could use). There was also a plane, i think, that flew by. I think it was a plane because it looked like a plane, except living. Made out of meat and skin kinda living. I walked around very confused when someone stopped me on the street to ask me if i had been a victim of the squeezers because of marks on my neck around where the airflow restricter was. I said yes and he took me by the arm and dragged me over to a house that surprisingly wasn't made out of strings to tell me that they will do it again if you survived it. A couple seconds later the squeezers broke in and applied the device again. They did it harder than before and i woke up in my bed while spitting out a blue orb thing. That entire experience was weird. Let me know if you've experienced anything like that my signing my guestbook :) (editor's note: we've removed the guestbook link because these are fiction stories and who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


Hi, it's me again. You can just call me gray. I was reading up on different dream solutions. There's over course the blue orb, but also the green and red orbs. Reds last forever while greens are like a day per real life minute. Blue orbs are in real time while greens aren't and reds are... different. There's also the anti suit which isn't a viable solution. As well as the fictional "dream machine" from the Zyl storyline. Anyways; speaking of the Anti Suit, this part kinda involves that. I woke up in an empty city. I was wearing my grey sweater with the cheap plastic and stuff with no pants (read the notes to understand why that's safe). There wasn't anyone there but it looked deindustralized, like people were here. Then i felt a random shock of pain. I tried to wake up using the method for the Anti Suit and for the blue/green orb, nothing worked. Now the Anti Suit and the Orbs are pretty much the same thing except for the Anti Suit having random pain and the differing """official""" ways of leaving the dreams, but there was one way that both of them had. All dream enhancers protect you from everything, except for self inflicted pain. So if i just bashed my head into a brick wall multiple times i should wake up right? Wrong, it for some reason didn't work. Red Orbs send you back if you die in any other way that isn't growing old, so i don't know what it could be-other than blue/green orb because of the grey and the anti suit because of the pain. The only thing i could do was walk around which is when i found... myself. It looked exactly like the clone from earlier but also without pants (again, read the notes). The ooze in my sweater started solidifying which was when i """linked""". I honestly don't know how i know that, but eh. They were just standing there, before they walked up to me and walked INSIDE of me. The ooze turned back into its normal viscosity, but there was just something different about it. The sweater was more tighter now so that was probably it but, it was just something else. Now how did i leave? I could lie and say that there was just an exit, but the truth is way better worse. More clones walked into me making the sweater tighter and the something else more else until i-i think-exploded and woke up in a cast iron mold of myself wearing the anti suit and spitting out the green orb. I instantly took the Anti Suit off and left the lab i was in.

Other Stories


I brought my cat into the lab to make it a GEC (genetically engineered cat). Some people's GECs look really cool, but i just wanted the color to change. While they were doing that someone wanted a Scientist to come with them. Because i was a Scientist here i walked over to where the thing was. On one of the lab tables was a person with two [spikes] poking out of their head. One of my friend's friends also has this-and was the person who found this out-so of course i had to investigate. My eyes looked over to the weird substance on top of the [spikes]. It felt like a slightly viscous liquid. I tried everything and couldn't figure out where these [spikes] came from. I called the friend and they said not to touch it, "it'll get into your skin immediately", well i screwed that one up. I asked what the side effects were and they said that this was how the [spikes], how do i put this, reproduce? Let's go with that. I ran out after finding that out. After touching the substance, named Cao, a process named "Caoing" will begin with no found way of stopping it. (editor's note: there still is no way of stopping it) (actual editor's note: i didn't write that, the author did. also i've been changing a word to "spikes", sorry) The process for me took about a month, and only after a week did signs of it happen, my face was changed a little bit and my voice was a little bit higher. To most people, nothing had changed-except for the face but some people wouldn't notice-but to me; try to imagine that. Another week passed with no changes except for two little nubs that grew into the [spikes] within the next two weeks. Also my voice kept getting slightly higher and higher until the [spikes] were 3/4 of a foot tall, which is also when the process stopped. I expected it to be painful but it wasn't. I looked online to find other people with this and there was a surprisingly large amount of people with [spikes] and higher voices who have touch the Cao. The only time you feel pain is if you try to rip them out. They describe it as: "ripping off that much skin" which is basically what's happening when you do that. Also sometimes it comes back. It's a 1/3 chance of the [spikes] coming back. Since like 2 months after the one month process-and 3.5 months since all this started-and like at most a quarter of the world has these [spikes]. It's more like an eighth of the world that has it now; for some reason people like touching other people's [spikes]. I have nothing else to say about this basically pandemic of [spikes], bye!


For this one we need some context. Everyone has a substance under their skin called "Golgi", named after the cell part of the same-ish name. This Golgi can be accessed after having what's known as a Golgi Dream, which is basically a settings menu for Golgi. It can also randomly happen, like the first time the Golgi gets exposed. It basically covers your skin and kinda becomes your skin, i guess. It's a goopy pink substance that you can change the properties of, like turning it into fabric or changing what your face looks like. Now that we have context: i woke up in, what people call it, my Golgi Body... i hate that name. Many people use it to have another identity, but i just made it feel like a sweater and jeans. You can also change the color if you want so i made the sweater green (writer's note: i don't know why i like using green sweaters in these) and the jeans denim colored. I walked around my apartment, getting a feel for the Golgi, and then i went to the store to buy some stuff. There are some key things of determining if the people are in their "Golgi Body"-i hate that name so much-their skin is pinker than normal and they usually don't have shoes on. The reason for the shoes is because it might deform your feet; not just the Golgi feet, your actual feet. Everyone basically has a pamphlet about these problems. Another way to tell is the texture of the clothes. It might feel normal to you, but to other people: it's got a weird smooth like texture plus the texture of the clothes. The only time you would need to check the Golgi is if someone's robbing you, or if you wanna find out if your friends/partners are cheating on you. I paid and was about to leave before someone robbed the place, which happens every time i come to that store. Anyways, i went back to sleep before feeling the Golgi going back into my skin. If you wanna know what that feels like (writer's note: time to steal another thing, this one from Rould Dahl) it's like your skin is tightening and loosening at the same time. Or at least that's what i thought because after a while it just felt like it was tightening more and more. I opened my eyes to see myself in a different room, it was night time-even though i went back to sleep mid day-and on a table was what looked like a jar of Golgi being somehow plugged into a computer. I then realized that this was what they called a Golgi Dream-i'm just gonna call it a settings menu for Golgi from now on, it sounds better-so i walked over to the computer and went back to bed shortly after seeing that i didn't know how it worked yet. If you're wondering how to get a "settings menu for Golgi" to happen, the first time it's random, and all the other times are based on what the Golgi thinks is a week. When you do get one open up the jar and go back to sleep, or you may just get Golgi'd at random without the dream, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (writer's note: i didn't really have any ideas after the back to sleep part and was just thinking of doing another story all together, but i ended up adding in the "settings menu for golgi" part and that made it the correct* length for one of these)(*more than one screen of text on apple notes, because it makes me feel less insecure /j)(also i have a copyable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in one of my-what apple calls it-quick notes. Saves time you know)

The Teleporter Issue

I've been studying teleportation for a while. It's been like a decade since the first teleporters made, and they've almost made it to market. Even though i'm at the head of teleporters (writers note: apple notes doesn't think teleporters is a real word, yet), i haven't really used them at all, until recently when they needed in house testers. So i've been testing them and they've worked, except for once. We have the teleporters next to each other so it's easy to detect mistakes, including this time, but they were set up in a way that i have to enter the operator's room to tell them if something happened, which something did. I stepped into the teleporter and came out on the other side just fine, until i noticed something. My entire body—everything below my head—was made out of this black, liquidy, weird substance (writers note: liquidy is also not a word according to apple notes). Walking around was difficult because—even though my legs were split, my feet weren't. I got to the operating room, and they instantly noticed. Apparently this has been an issue, except it was only surface level. Reversing the teleporter didn't fix it, but it also didn't make it make it worse. So while they tried to fix it by using a metal ball that they put in—multiple times because it was a once in a blue moon occurrence—i had to live like this. Eventually i got used to it after a couple of days, but it was difficult. I already lived there because they like the idea of living in prison cells like this is a YA dystopia novel. Eventually they figured out how to fix it. It was another teleporter—built off of the original teleporter, which meant that it distorted reality—that apparently fixed it. I was used to how the og teleporters worked but let me give you a description: it feels like spikes of ice are being stabbed into you before it feels like pressure is building up until you explode and appear in the leather like mold thing in the other one with some other things that you have to wait for because your body it still just particles at that time before the explosion reverses and now you can leave. Based on that description you can probably imagine how well it fixes it. Walking normally took a while—like 2 weeks at minimum, which is weird because with the black it only took like 4-6 days—but i was free, until it happened again. By that time the government found out about their YA dystopia prison and made them remove it. Thats all i have, bye. (writers note: i have 32 (now 33) notes in the "new stories" folder in apple notes)


These are just some notes to refer to if you need to know more :)

Spendeqae (Living Suit): A living being that can heal you from anything. When you feel a squish, that means it's doing something. Either healing you, replacing your mind if you have a fake brain, doing anything. Has 8 grips and a thin arm and hand monitor

Spendacea (Dealing Suit): The original one before it evolved to heal instead of hurt. Has feelings and if you step on it, it will kill you. Has 6 grips and teeth in the front

Mondrode (the family): this is the family name for the Spendeqae and Spendacea, other Mondrode are unknown but what we do know is that they grip to humans.

The Thin Hand and Arm Monitor: it's like a thin piece of rubber except not. It just monitors you so it can squish. It also serves as protection, not a lot, but it does.

The Grips: it's like spikes, but weirder. They don't plunge into skin, more they stick-without glue-to skin. Thin versions are in the H&A Monitor. Although for the back ones they do have small injections to put the orange in.

The Design: like the bean makers from the puzzle game Bean And Nothingness mixed with flesh and some metal like stuff. Freaky

The Blood: it's not the blue stuff, it's the orange stuff. The orange is like the dark-blue substance but way weaker and also helps the creature. Also the dark-blue stuff is like safe inside, so it doesn't leak out.

Sonic: like the H&AM but full body and actually made of rubber.

Spenbeqer: like the Spendeqae but without the arm things. The reason why the name is so different is because there's other stuff to it. you have to use a machine to get it off because of adhesion on the front and it's inside your skin now. Usually used to "save" someone's life. (See Living Suit 2 and Sonic) also it can do other stuff, it has a mind of its own and can be controlled.

You know what, i'll just give them names: spendeq is now called Livut, spendac is now called Gervuit, and the Spenb is now called the Wariut

The Voiders: black slug like creatures that monitor the void and also steal people when they detect a signal that unfortunately the Sonic makes

Craetrqeb (Bear Hugger): got the idea from another dream, this time about a 2d side-scrolling game. You can swing off of "ropes" made by Conduits. The reason why it's called the Bear Hugger because it "hugs" your face. You also don't need to eat, or drink! The dream had the thing originally a piece of clothing, like a hood, except on your entire head and with a zipper. Also the clothing had nothing to do with the Conduits (Name: Crultae)

Spemgekder: squeezes you to your bare limits. Wraps around your entire torso and is basically mind control. I got this idea while trying to fall asleep and it had to beat just the h&am but only on the top of your chest, which i think it's better so it get's a scientific name. (Name: Squegg)

White Tree Labs: basically Black Mesa if it was worse. The ones who found the Mondrodes

What if it's inside you? You feel rubbing on your back instead of squishing/squeezing

Spendreckae: a Spemgekder but is like a partner. It also helps you like a Spendeqae. So it can access your mind and make you not hurt. Just think and it'll answer. Like a private conversation with another person except it wrapped around your body. It won't react to speech. Has 12 grips and 4 metal discs on the top. (Name: Novera)(also Novera sounds like an awesome piece of software in a movie, which it kinda is(?))

How long does it protect you? It has 20 years of dark-blue, so if you want to live forever, just feed it pennies-or any coin. The mouth is on the top. Feed it $2.00 in pennies and it'll let you live forever.

Super Sonic: a full body rubber suit but completely white instead of clear-ish and also it goes up to your neck and also you can go invisible. When you go invisible your body ripples. I don't know ok, i keep getting these ideas when i'm trying to fall asleep.

Ultimate Setup: Super Sonic, Novera, Crultae. That's it

The portal: imagine pushing into fabric but then your finger goes through the fabric and the fabric goes back to being straight. Also, it feel like liquid, for so,e reason

Why are they in Glass Boxes? They can't break out until touched by humans/have human intervention or the glass breaks

The Scout: has a glowing green eye on its back that's also an antenna alerting someone that theres someone here. Can squeeze through short gaps, like the bottoms of doors. Clicks when it detects any movement. Can also disappear if something notices it. Has 8 """grips""" and the green growth

Spelkae: an annoying version of the Novera. Once you meet it, it hijacks your brain stem so it can talk to you from anywhere. But to hear you it needs to be on your back. It likes being on peoples backs, mostly to it can flex it's grips. Also it has a green hand for some reason. Has 10 grips, is fuzzy for no reason, and what looks like a green sticky hand type thing on its front, i think. (Name: Spelk)

Spelkae: an annoying version of the Novera. Once you meet it, it hijacks your brain stem so it can talk to you from anywhere. But to hear you it needs to be on your back. It likes being on peoples backs, mostly to it can flex it's grips. Also it has a green hand for some reason. Has 10 grips, is fuzzy for no reason, and what looks like a green sticky hand type thing on its front, i think. (Name: Spelk)

Spelbeqer: a waruit that you can take off easily (Name: Warut)

Chroma: another suit because i'm out of ideas. This time it squishes, squashes, squeezes, and stretches your body for shapeshift reasons. It does the feelings randomly, but the shapeshifting is in your control.

Weak Suit and Gravity Shoes: the jumpsuit doesn't make you weak, just if you slam into a wall/floor/ceiling it teleports you back with a ripple. The shoes allow you to walk on walls

Best Creatures (best to eh): Novera, Warut, Livuit, Crultae, Scout Worst Creatures(eh to worst): Spelk, Squegg, Gervuit, Voider

Blue Orbs: makes your dreams funner by editing your sight, touch, and hearing abilities for great effect

Also, you can't have sex in Blue Orb dreams. You're non-binary in those

The Blue Orb dream clothes are based on your brain matter, so only the unnamed protagonist of New Person and Title Undetermined has the clear plastic and cold ooze gray sweater, everyone has jeans in these dreams.

Caoing: a process where two """spikes""" poke out of your head. It automatically starts when you're in contact with Cao, which is made from the top of the """spikes""". Caoing might affect your face before it pokes out, that's ok. It also affects your vocal cords in ways, this is unrelated with the moving up, it just does that. The further up the """spikes""" are (how far the process is), the more the vocal cords change. All you have to do is touch Cao and the process will begin, it's that weird of a substance. It's not a painful process, unless you try to find someway to stop it, don't do that, just let it happen. Some people actually want this to happen, they're normal. (Yes, these are cat ears. No, i'm not a furry (yet). I thought if this at literally midnight so cut me some slack)

Cao: a substance excreted from the """spikes""" of individuals that have been affected by Caoing. Causes Caoing by just touching it.

How Cao was created: somebody wanted to genetically modify their cat to have bigger ears, but he accidentally did it to himself. He thought his ears would get bigger, nope. Two """spikes""", as he and i will call them, sprouted oozing out the same genetic formula, but very reactive. So reactive the cat also got it by just touching the ooze. It did what he thought it would do, make the cat's ears bigger but not excrete the ooze. He named the substance Cao after... i don't know. It's meant to be a play on the word Cat and Gato (Cato) but more sciency so i guess Cao.

How does Cao change your voice? For most people it makes it more high pitched, sometimes it warps the vocal cords so it feels strange when you talk, or both, or even the rarest one: killing the vocal cords.

I don't know how to describe this one by a name but it's a robot that goes around to find people so it can put it's breathing mask on them to take them to a digital world that's not as fun as it seems.

I got an idea from a name of part of a cell: everyone has another body, their "Golgi body" (that's the name of the cell part). People can change what the goopy body looks like. That's all i've got

Anti Suit: a thick white suit made out of antimatter that warps your body in random ways. It also makes you be able to feel everything in your dreams (which is now a theme in my writings) so there is a perk to being shoved into it.


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