This page has something to do with itemlabel, or Peepy
itemlabel is a very cool website, they sell peepys!
Peepy - (shown on right)
Sucklet - A white star, might be an alien snack
OuiOui - baby peepys, with only one ball, and the tail is now an antennae
Dinkle - a cat that makes chiptune music, also has a bell
Homie - a house
Munmun - a 36 year old man trying to be a monkey
Donuts - the mascot of emamouse, the ceo/cxo of itemlabel
Moley - a depressed mole, with a star
Youfo - literal alien
Fish car - Here you go
Corunchi - a bat thing that likes to steal takeout
Peeoui - a mix between Peepy and ouioui
Eubert - a mouth with eyes
Fishicopter - Fish car but helicopter
Papupi - peepys final form, is terrible at protecting ouiouis
I think that’s all of them